Our story begins...
Kaka and wawa are 2 little baby girls.
Kaka is Erica. Wawa is Eva.
Kaka is 1 year and 9 months old. Wawa is 6 months old.
How Erica became kaka...
Kaka's grandma, who is looking after kaka while mummy is at work, had a lot of trouble pronouncing 'Erica'. She's not english educated u see. Over time, Erica evolved to simply 'kaka'. And then, everyone starts to call her kaka since it's easy and she seems to respond to that name. :)
How Eva became wawa...
When wawa was born, kaka was only 15 months... U see, daddy and mummy had a little 'accident' after having kaka, so mummy became pregnant with wawa when kaka was only 7 months old. Anyway, Kaka had trouble pronouncing 'Eva' since kaka is only a little girl of 15-months then. She had problems with words with more than 1 syllabus and she normally only say the last syllabus, eg, 'star' to her will be 'tar'.. So Eva is 'wa'.. and then it became 'wawa'. And then, everyone starts to call her wawa since it's easy and she seems to like that name too. :)
Here's pictures of kaka and wawa.